Friday, April 16, 2021

Flutter Widgets Explorer Go Web @

The Web version of the Flutter Widgets Explorer finally released to production at

You see a word "finally" in the sentence above as the efforts required to web-enabled a Flutter mobile apps is greatly underestimated by me. I initially thought that I just need to make the layout of the app responsive, then it should run on the web automatically. The current stage of Flutter web support prove me wrong.

I wouldn't like to bore you with the details for now and let's me show you the outcome. On the left of the following image is how the Flutter Widgets Explorer looks on the first launch when it is run on your mobile browser and on the right is on your desktop browser:
Then, let's select the newly added showcase "Material Design Showcase", on the left of the following image is how the Material Design Showcase looks when it is run on your mobile browser and on the right is on your desktop browser:

Alternatively, you can access the Material Design Showcase with direct link, please see the following image:

Thanks for your patient and reading till here. You are invited to fork the fluwix github repo, add your code and send me pull request. The key takeaways are you can showcase your code live in an Android app, and embedded HTML (as iframe) in your blog post. We will take care the hassles of managing the deployment, production and marketing for you. If you're interested, please submit your idea of showcase.

Are you facing any problem with your Flutter development? Please answer the 3 questions Flutter Development Survey as we might have the solution to your problem. 

By the way, you can install the Fluwix (formerly Flutter Widgets Explorer) app to your android phone by clicking on the following image link:

Get it on Google Play

Kindly raise an issue if you have any problem running the Fluwix on your mobile or web.

Lastly, If you are interested to look into details of how I web-enabled the mobile apps and how the Material Design Showcase module is created, please check out the responsive and material_design_showcase branch of the git repository hosted at Feel free to fork the repository and send me pull request.

Hope to hear from you soon! :)

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