Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Integrating multiple data sources to OData API with Spring Boot and Teiid


The example showing how to integrate data from H2 database and CSV file and then exposed it as OData API with Spring Boot and Teiid. 

Teiid is a data virtualization tool created by Red Hat for data integration purpose and it has the capability of expose the integrated data as OData API. Besides H2 database and CSV file, Teiid support wide range of data sources such as Oracle DB, MS SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, REST API, Excel file, JSON, Google Spreadsheet, OData API, etc. you can find out more from the official samples

The project demostrated how to use Teiid Spring Boot runtime on joining product_symbols table of H2 database and product_data CSV file with productId column and then created a product view. You can see from the diagram above that name and type column of product view is come from product_data CSV file and the rest come from product_symbols table.

The product view then exposed as OData API that can be accessed by clients such as Excel, PowerBI, Java application, .Net application, etc.

You can find out more by take a look on the source code and steps to execute the example locally in your own machine at

Happy new year 2021! I'd love to hear your comments :).

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