Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Grails Activiti Plugin 5.4 Released with Spring Security Integration

I would like to announce the Grails Activiti Plugin 5.4 Released.

Grails Activiti Plugin was created to integrate Activiti BPM Suite and workflow system to Grails Framework.
With the Grails Activiti Plugin, workflow application can be created at your fingertips!

What's New:
  • Upgrade Activiti's jar files to 5.4.
  • Support email sending without authentication.
  • Incorporate Spring Security Integration (enabled by Activiti Spring Security plugin) to the plugin and Vacation Request Sample Application.

Find Out More:

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Mike Bosch - Software Engineer said...

Thanks for updating.

Lim Chee Kin said...

You're welcome, Mike.

By the way, I'd love to hear how do you use the activiti plugin, please post your response to http://groups.google.com/group/grails-activiti-plugin/browse_thread/thread/ae81540e2885fc47.

Wish to hear from you soon!

Best regards,
Chee Kin