I'm glad to inform you that Flutter Widgets Explorer is rebranded to Fluwix. Start from now the mobile apps and the web app under one brand name.
I think the experience of manage the re-branding process is worth sharing here besides the announcement. First of all, if you change the applicationId of the android app, you're actually publish a new app instead of update the existing one in the Google Play Store. Hence, you need a proper way to phase out the existing app and inform user the new app. I'm adopted the following process:Please let's me know if you have better way to manage the re-branding process.
Thanks for your patient and reading till here. You are invited to fork the fluwix github repo, add your code and send me pull request. The key takeaways are you can showcase your code live in an Android app, Fluwix.com and embedded HTML (as iframe) in your blog post. We will take care the hassles of managing the deployment, production and marketing for you. If you're interested, please submit your idea of showcase.
Are you facing any problem with your Flutter development? Please answer the 3 questions Flutter Development Survey as we might have the solution to your problem.
By the way, you can install the Fluwix (formerly Flutter Widgets Explorer) app to your android phone by clicking on the following image link:
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